
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Canadian Progress For Market Ready Neighbourhood Electric Vehicles, Fall 2008


On September 30 Vancouver passed a motion to legalize the use of Low-Speed Electric Vehicles (which they also call Zero Emissions Neighbourhood Electric Vehicles) on roads with a maximum speed limit of 50km/hr. The only other limitation is that LSVs have to drive in the right hand lane except when they need to make a left turn. A problem still to be resolved is that Vancouver's bridges and some of the main city roads have a speed limit of 60km/hr. City staff are now working out the details and are considering the possibility of lowering some speed limits.

Zero Emissions Neighourhood Electric Vehicles are sold in passenger and light duty truck versions and have a regulated top speed of 40km/hr.

In the U.S.A this translates to 25 miles/hr with the exception of some states that allow them a maximum speed of 35 miles/hr.

Here is the link to the article in the Vancouver Sun "Small Electric Cars Get Big City Boost" by Brian Morton.

Here is the link to the September 30 Vancouver City Council meeting minutes. Look to page 7 for the motion on Low-Speed Vehicles.


On October 4 the ZENN Motor Company had a big party to officially launch its retail sales operation at its assembly plant in St. Jerome, Quebec. Future Quebec customers and fans and supporters from outside Quebec were able to take the cars for a drive and celebrate a new start for the electric car industry in their province.

For some good pics and details on this event check out the article The ZENN Now Available in Canada! on the Canadian Automotive Network's website.

Also available in Quebec is the NEMO.


Anonymous said...

OT, but, it would be a much better use of our resources to build public transit and an effective cycling network than to reoutfit the population with a new kind of car.

kristin said...

I certainly agree that more of our tax dollars should go toward creating safe and well designed cycling networks and better public transit. However cars and trucks are not going to go away. They play an important part in our transportation infrastructure.

This series of postings on the ZENN and NEMO and other Low Speed Electric Vehicles is to hopefully raise awareness about this industry and how it gives consumers more choices for ways to reduce their carbon emissions and save money.

These companies are not asking for money they are asking for a fair opportunity in the market place.