Saturday, April 18, 2009
Ontario Killing the ZENN While Quebec and the USA Create Tax Incentives
At the same time the Federal Government in the United States is offering a $1250 rebate on these vehicles. Right now south of the border you can get a ZENN for under $10000 USD until the end of June. In Quebec the ZENN is eligible for a $4000 CDN refundable tax credit as part of a provincial program to encourage people to buy or lease highly fuel-efficient vehicles.
Ontario is struggling with the fact that these are lighter vehicles than regular cars. In a crash with a larger, heavier vehicle they don't hold up as well. But LSVs/NEVs have a regulated top speed of 40km/hr and are meant for roads with a maximum speed limit of 50km/hr in neighbourhood communities and urban environments and therefore they are quite rightly not required to have the same safety features as a regular passenger car.
The National Research Council (NRC) report, Safe Integration of
Electric Low Speed Vehicles on Ontario’s Roads in Mixed Traffic that the Ontario Ministry of Transportation will undoubtedly cite to justify their extra safety requirements does not in effect offer any serious evidence of grave safety risks. It is full of imaginings and things that "may" happen. There are suggestions of difficulties that "may" arise. It is a report of hypothetical situations many of which are not supported by very strong logic or justified by any examples. To suggest that the manufacturers add on all kinds of extra safety features and increase the cost of the vehicle based on the suppositions of this report is untenable.
The report also does not look at the health benefits of wide spread use of this type of zero-emission vehicle and compare them with the safety risks. Interestingly enough the Ontario Newsroom website had an announcement a couple of days ago that the McGuinty government has approved a pilot program to allow 100 commercial trucks to pull two full-sized trailers claiming "Longer Trucks Will Benefit Economy, Environment and Road Safety". The article mentions that "Studies show that LCVs were involved in 60 per cent fewer collisions than single trailer trucks." It doesn't mention what kind of damage the double trailer trucks cause when they do get in an accident.
For more on the struggles that LSVs/NEVs have had in Ontario and the safety debate click here.
This weekend I plan to write a postcard to the Minister of Transportation, the Honourable Jim Bradley, and Premier Dalton McGuinty. My basic message will be that Ontario needs to focus on urban planning and transportation safety regulations that create healthy cities. We must stop designing for stressed-out SUV drivers suffering from road rage and stop encouraging what has become a kind of arms race in the automobile industry. The ZENN and NEMO and other NEVs are a real gift that their Canadian designers have developed for city living. They're quiet and they create no air pollution from their tailpipes. They are all-weather vehicles and the best in their class. Ontario must allow them on the road as they are and give them the support they need to improve as they surely will. We need these vehicles now.
I hope enough others will do the same over the next week to convince the government that they must support this new industry in Ontario. If anyone else is interested the contact information is below. You can call them if you prefer, but if you send a letter/e-mail/fax and provide a full return address, you will likely get a reply.
Ministry of Transportation
Corporate Correspondence Unit
3rd Floor, Ferguson Block
77 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1Z8
Alternately you can send the Minister an electronic message directly through his website here.
Here is the contact information for the Premier.
For maximum impact send a copy to your Ontario MPP I suggest clicking in "Current MPPs" then scrolling the list of their names/ridings and clicking on the name of your representative. This is much faster than using the "MPP Addresses and contact information" link which is harder to wade through.
Source: Regulations will keep low-speed electric vehicles off Ontario roads CBC News April 15,2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Earth Hour 2009, Vote Earth with the WWF!
Earth Hour is coming around again. In a few weeks, on Saturday March 28 at 8:30pm local time around the world people will be turning off their lights to show their support for action on climate change. It started in Sydney, Australia in 2007 and is now a global event.
Earth Hour won't make any significant impact on lowering CO2 emissions. It's a demonstration of how many people around the world are aware of the threat of rapid climate change and are taking action in their day-to-day lives to slow it down. Slowing down global warming is such a huge goal that it's easy to feel like one person's actions just don't make a difference. Maybe you're thinking about turning down the thermostat 2 degrees in the winter, spending $5000 to upgrade your home's insulation or $40,000 to install geothermal heating. It's easy to think: Why am I bothering? Is it really going to save me any money? Am I really going to be able to protect Richmond, B.C. or the Vancouver Airport by stopping the rise of sea levels*? I seem to be the only one on my block doing anything! Earth Hour makes it very clear that there are many individuals taking action all across the globe, the numbers are growing and the cumulative effect of all these actions is quantifiable and visible even when it is as simple an action as turning off your lights.
In Canada go to WWF-Canada Earth Hour to sign up so you can be counted. Last year Canada led the world according to the WWF with almost half the population participating!
If you are anywhere else in the world go to Earth Hour Global to sign up.
The Earth Hour Global page has a great map showing all the countries in the world currently scheduled to hold events for Earth Hour. But don't worry even if your country or city/town isn't listed you can still sign up. You could also call your mayor's office and tell them you'd like your city or town to participate. WWF also has suggestions for organizing your own event!
I signed up and I'd love to know if you did, so feel free to come back and say so in the comments section below.
*"Richmond, airport threatened by the sea" by Ken Meaney, Phil Couvrette and Kelly Sinoski, Canwest News Service; Vancouver Sun
Published: Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Saturday, February 28, 2009
More from the National Home Show: The Most Lovely Water Filter and Silky Organic Bed Sheets
This porcelain water dispenser from the Montreal based company Aquaovo is just the thing that I've been waiting and hoping for, a real eye-catcher that could help bring tap-water back into fashion in this country. It can be used simply as a water/lemonade/ice tea/anything-you-like dispenser for home or office use. You can see in the top photo there is even a little magnet that roles along the outside of the dispenser that shows the height of the water inside by following its mate, a little magnetic ball floating on the water inside the container.
If you're a real purist you can add the filtration component which they describe as imitating a natural filtration process only this one is very specifically designed to remove a variety of impurities and pollutants, both organic and chemical. For more details on the various components of the filter and how they all work flip to page 8 in this brochure from their website. They even recycle the used cartridges. You can sign up for their automatic filter replacement program where you send back the used cartridge in the stamped packaging that it arrived in and receive a rebate on the next cartridge you receive.
A piece like this at home or at the office gives water a place of honour and respect. It treats water as something precious. Maybe it'll inspire us to develop a healthier relationship with the water that comes out of our taps from our local watersheds.
Removable refrigeration and automatic filling devices that are designed to go with the whole system will be available soon.
[See the World Water Council: Water Crisis for more on water management and international crises
and Environment Canada: Water Use for more on water management issues in Canada]
The other exhibit that I thought I'd mention in this post is the one I found on Natura beds and bedding. These are the softest and silkiest cotton sheets I've ever felt. There are people that propose that there might be health benefits from using natural or organic bedding, and there may be, but the main benefits of buying and using organic bedding are the same as buying organic fabrics generally. They include supporting cotton or wool producers that don't use pesticides and herbicides that pollute ground water. They even come in an organic cotton bag, no plastic wrap.
And for baby! You can get organic latex crib mattresses and all natural bedding that hasn't been treated with toxic chemical dyes.
Natura is based in Cambridge, Ontario, but they sell through retailers throughout North America. If you want to have a look at their products you can find the closest dealer through their website.
My Favourite Exhibit at National Home Show: Office In A Can

I've heard of a lot of things coming in a can, but this work space at the National Home Show takes the prize for best canned item yet. BSq Landscape Design converted this reclaimed shipping container to be their "mobile, off-grid professional design office". Yes, it's equipped with solar panels. If you want to know more about what they can do with containers check out the Container Architecture page on their website.
The National Home Show is on until this Sunday February 29 so there's still time to have a peak. If you can't make it they will also be at Canada Blooms March 18-22 at the Toronto Convention Centre. While you're there you can pick out some organic perennials or whatever you like for the green roof on your container!
Computer rendering courtesy of BSq Landscape Design |
If you want more on design with containers, last week Lloyd Alter, also from Toronto, wrote about the Green Container Housing Demo in Thailand on Treehugger.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Do We All Need To Take A Field Trip to Antarctica?
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Trip to Antarctica January 2009, Photographer: Michael Reichmann |
I've decided that now is the time to expand this blog. Here's why.
This past weekend in Cape Town South Africa the Huffington Post reported on a get-together of a couple dozen influential people taking a field trip to Antarctica. According to the article there were delays because of bad weather during which Lord Nicholas Stern, the eminent British economist, updated the group on just how bad the outlook is for the world economy and political stability if we don't immediately address the causes of climate change. Yes, it looks like we are putting CO2 into the atmosphere even faster since 2000 than we were in the 1990s according to a report by the Carnegie Institution for Science (February 14 article in the Huffington Post). Not only that but the same institution was reported by the CBC in January as saying some of the damage done is already irreversible for a few thousand years. As the travellers in South Africa waited, Lord Stern warned of millions of people being displaced and "extended world war" over increasingly limited resources. Frightening indeed, but Stern is still optimistic that we can avoid the worst of these if we act now.
A recent World Watch Institute report stated: "Global greenhouse gas emissions need to peak before 2020 and decrease drastically until 2050..." and "More CO2 will have to be absorbed than emitted in the second half of this century."
(January 14, 2009 BBC article "World 'needs radical cuts' on CO2")
Part of me just had to laugh. Do they really think this is possible? For Westerners it's easy to come up with reasons not to try. It's going to cost a bit of money up front even if it does pay us back in the long run. People are happy with their lives right now and don't want to change.
But the way I see it, if it needs to be done, then we just have to do it.
My partner and I lead a relatively low carbon existence already, living downtown without a car and eating our share of organic and locally grown food, but we could certainly do more. So I'm expanding this blog to figure out what else we can do to improve things. Being an urbanite with a background in architecture I'm going to look at city living, good design, green design, art and communities. A few field trips to see what's going on in other places and what other people are doing would be fun too. As for going to Antarctica, here's a video clip from last night's Daily Planet of some Canadian students landing on this great continent for the first time and here's a link with information on an upcoming exhibit of photographs at the Luminous Landscape Gallery in Toronto in March.
Let me know what you think.
Referenced articles on what the biggest research organizations have been saying in the last 2 months:
"World 'needs radical cuts' on CO2" by Tanya Syed BBC News January 14, 2009
"Some climate damage irreversible: report" from the Associated Press CBC January 27, 2009
"Global Warming Increasing Faster Than Predicted" by Randolph E. Schmid Huffington Post February 14, 2009
"Lord Nicholas Stern Paints Dire Climate Change Scenario: Mass Migrations, Extended World War" by Charles J Hanley Huffington Post February 21, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Electric Vehicles at the Canadian International Autoshow in Toronto
If you live anywhere other than New Brunswick or the Northwest Territories regulations allow you to drive one of these:
Electric Scooter by ElectroWheels** |
I love this one! As soon as I have a shed to park it in I'm going to run out and buy one. Even though it looks like a scooter, it's classified as an electric bicycle (notice the pedals down at the side) which means everyone riding one has to wear a helmet regardless of age, but you don't need a licence or insurance. You just need to be over the age of 14. They have a regulated top speed of 32km/hr and this is plenty fast enough for the average person on a bicycle!* There are a few brands of electric bicycles, scooters, tricycles and limited speed motorcycles on the market and you should be able to easily find dealers in your local yellow pages. But if you're in Toronto and can still make it down to the Autoshow, ElectroWheels is offering a discount from regular in store retail prices if you buy at the show. ElectroWheels bikes/scooters are assembled in Canada from imported parts from China and they configure a variety of models. I'd say this qualifies as a made in Canada product considering the extent to which vehicle manufacture is almost never done in entirely one country anymore .**
If you live in Alberta in addition to being able to buy and ride electric bicycles and scooters you can also get one of these babies:
Vectrix 100% Electric, Zero Emissions Motorcycle |
This Vectrix electric motorcycle has a top speed of 100km/hr and is currently only available in Calgary at All Season Motor Sports. It's classified as a motorcycle by Transport Canada so you can ride it anywhere you can ride a regular motorcycle. They are looking for more dealers to carry them so they could be available in other provinces soon. Here's the Transport Canada ecoTECHNOLOGY page on the Vectrix. For more on Vectrix check out autobloggreen.
If, on the other hand, you live in Quebec or British Columbia you could buy and drive an enclosed, all-season low speed electric vehicle for tooling around town like this:
ZENN Made in Canada neighbourhood electric vehicle |
The ZENN (as well as the NEMO, not featured at the show) is manufactured just outside Montreal in Quebec. These are Low Speed Electric Vehicles/Neighbourhood Electric Vehicles with a regulated top speed of 40km/hr.* On display in the GTA in Motion exhibit are the ZENN and Electrovaya vehicles, including the MAYA which is supposed to be launched this summer. For more on the MAYA see this article on For some inexplicable reason the GTA in Motion display is not with the Transport Canada ecoTECHNOLOGY display and National Resources Canada's most fuel efficient cars display in front window of the North Building, but instead as you come from the North Building into the South it's tucked away in behind the first escalators.
Of course if you absolutely must have a highway capable, all-purpose electric vehicle there is only one way to get it right now and that is to convert a regular or hybrid car. If you want to do it yourself one group to talk to would be the EV Society of Canada. The Electric Vehicle Society of Canada has a small booth beside the GTA in Motion display.
And no, even if you did have US$109,000 to spend on the base model of the Tesla, it is not currently available for purchase in Canada, only in the U.S. and Europe.
There are rumours around the show of manufacturers coming out with affordable ($40,000-$50,000) all-purpose electric vehicles. Even under the best of circumstances none would be available in less than 18 months to 2 years. And given the bureaucracy that could be involved in getting these vehicles approved for the Canadian market it could easily be longer. The vehicle that's furthest along is this one:
Mitsubishi iMiEV |
This car is scheduled to go into production and be on the Japanese market this year, but there has been no announcement about the timeline for launching it in North America.
If you want to see it this is the last weekend for the Autoshow in Toronto. It goes until 10pm tonight Saturday February 21 or tomorrow Sunday February 22 from 10:30am to 6pm.
Here are a few Toronto Star articles on with some of the highlights:
Alternative-power cars debuting in Toronto: Alternative fuel cars mix performance, efficiency
"The future of the car takes shape: GTA in Motion exhibit explains how electricity will play a vital role in the car of tomorrow"
*edit February 22: Added information on regulated vehicle speeds.
**edit February 22: Removed the "Made in Canada" description. Will follow up to see if this was just a misunderstanding with the sales representative at the show. A company spokesperson confirmed that they are assembled in Canada from parts manufactured in China but did not say where the designs originate.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ontario in Fourth Place in Race to get Low Speed Electric Vehicles on Public Roads
If you're an LSV/NEV enthusiast like me and have been following the progress over the last year and a half that provincial governments across this country have been making in putting in place regulations to allow them on public roads then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. If not here is a somewhat rough snap shot of how the race is looking so far.
British Columbia started off by taking the lead being the first province to allow LSVs on public roads, but they are only allowed on roads with a max speed limit of 40km/hr. However municipalities can pass by-laws that allow them on roads up to 50km/hr. Oak Bay was the first to pass such a by-law and then Vancouver. Then the Manitoba Legislature passed its Kyoto bill that enables the government to make regulations allowing LSVs on public roads, but they're still working on the details. The specific regulations and when they would take effect have not been announced yet. Just days after Manitoba's announcement Quebec issued a press release that showed it leaping past the other two. It said they were beginning a 3 year pilot project and as of July 17, 2008 two makes of LSVs, the ZENN and the NEMO would be allowed on all public roads with a max speed limit of 50km/hr, though they included a clause that allows municipalities to opt out if they so desire. They also indicated that the pilot project was to fine tune the regulation of LSVs and they had no intention of taking them off the road after 3 years.
So now Ontario is finally showing some life and jumping into the fray, somewhat reluctantly it seems, and will allow the Zenn and other Low Speed Electric Vehicles/Neighbourhood Electric Vehicles on public roads. Tyler Hamilton passed along this news in his blog in early December. Check it out if you want more details.
The Ministry of Transportation indicates in their press release that they will introduce LSV regulations sometime this winter. I hope we'll hear something soon.
These regulations will most likely be based on recommendations made in the National Research Council report "Safe Integration of Electric Low Speed Vehicles on Ontario's Roads in Mixed Traffic". This is the report that Ontario commissioned earlier last year to give them a more thorough understanding of the technology and the history of these vehicles in the marketplace. The executive summary at the beginning of the report contains an impressively long list of the possible "risks" associated with allowing LSVs onto public roads. By their own admission many of these "risks" are hypothetical and not based on evidence from real world experience. From what I can see many are also based on questionable assumptions. I'll go through some of them in follow-up posts. If you want here's an old post on the safety debate.
Today, even though the government might slap a few paranoid restrictions on their use, I'm happy that Ontarians will finally be able to buy and drive neighbourhood electric vehicles! Yipee!